About Me.....

Hi my name is Shannon Smith and right now I am a sophomore here at the University of South Alabama. My major is Special Education grades 6-12. I plan on getting a degree in all levels of Special Education, but 6-12 is my main interest so I decided that I wanted to start off getting that degree. I came to South Alabama from Katy, Texas where I spent much of my time in high school helping out with the special education classes. My senior year of high school I also did a program called Ready, Set, Teach where I spent three hours every morning observing and student teaching in all elementary grade level classes. We got to create small and large group lesson plans and we had to use them in different classrooms and create them according to what the students were learning at the time. I am very excited about becoming a Special Education teacher and the experience that I have had so far has given me a good idea of what I am going to be doing!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Technology In the Classroom

I believe that technology is becoming a more prominent and helpful form teaching in the classroom everyday. I want to be able to use it the most effective way I can in my classroom.

First off I feel like blogs and google documents will be a good way to keep my classroom organized and keep the parents involved. I will use the blogs by making daily posts on activities in the classroom and the progress of the children. I will also use it to keep my parents updated on upcoming events so they can be prepared. I will leave room for comments and discussions on it and so the parents can be involved in what their children are learning everyday. The google documents I will use to organize my classroom and the spreadsheets I can use for schedules. Google documents and email can be a means of talking to the parents in a more private way in case they have personal issues in which they want to speak to me privately about if they cannot call me or speak to me in person.

I want to use to Education podcasts to listen to and hopefully learn more and more new teaching techniques everyday.

As far as applying technology to the classrooms i'll do my best to create programs and lessons and projects that they can do on the computer. I can find educational games that can help to advance their reflexes and critical thinking skills. Videos and tapes and songs will be involved as well.

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